
Low risk, turnkey hyperbaric
clinic solutions

Top 1% HCAHPS Satisfaction Ratings

Hyperbaric Medicine Wound Care
Clinic Partnerships Benefit Hospitals

The Center for Wound Healing & Hyperbaric Medicine® offers low risk, customized, turnkey solutions for building and managing a hospital outpatient wound and hyperbaric center of excellence.

We also offer management solutions for existing inpatient and outpatient hyperbaric clinics.

Comprehensive hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) clinic operation solutions include:

  • Specialized staffing
  • Build, equip and launch
  • Administration
  • EMR/EHR integration
  • Revenue cycle support

Low Risk, High Return

When it comes to the question of opening a hyperbaric wound clinic, the biggest obstacles for most hospital administrations are financial.

We offer a low risk, turnkey model for hospitals. We take on the majority of the cost to build, start, equip, and staff a comprehensive wound care center. Once operational, wound care clinic operations managed by the Center for Wound Healing & Hyperbaric Medicine® provide a reliable ancillary revenue stream for the partner hospital.

Internal Growth

Nearly 7 million Americans live with chronic wounds. These patients require frequent care and specialized treatments from a variety of practitioners.

Our on-site hyperbaric wound care clinics have a multidisciplinary approach, and allow hospitals to offer chronic wound patients a convenient, single source solution to many of their extensive medical needs.

This supports continuity of care and improves HCAHPS ratings while creating an additional in-house subspecialty referral channel for the existing patient base, which augments retention based revenues.

Market Advantage

Specialized wound care can be difficult to access for many patients, so establishing a hyperbaric wound clinic doesn’t just offer an additional revenue stream. Providing advanced care options improves your facility’s overall public visibility and advances its image as a cutting edge healthcare hospital, which can enhance market share. Industry publication Today’s Wound Clinic reports that a well coordinated wound and hyperbaric center can boost the outpatient service line by as much as 12%.

Enduring Partnerships

The financial and operational benefits of launching a hyperbaric wound care center of excellence with The Center for Wound Healing & Hyperbaric Medicine® are evident in our exceptional retention rate and enduring partnerships. We have maintained a 100% contract renewal rate with all partner hospitals since we began operations in 2004.

Center for Wound Healing Clinical Management Solutions

Review more detail about the hyperbaric wound clinical management solutions the Center for Wound Healing & Hyperbaric Medicine® can offer your organization.

Frequently Asked

Read the Hospital FAQ to review common questions potential clinical partners ask before scheduling a consultation with our team.

Contact Us

Questions about how your healthcare organization’s facility can benefit from a hyperbaric oxygen therapy treatment clinic from the Center for Wound Healing & Hyperbaric Medicine® ? Contact us today.