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Why Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Helps You Heal

Once your physician determines hyperbaric oxygen therapy is right for you , the next thing patients want to know is how and why hyperbaric oxygen therapy works.

Wound healing is a process with distinct stages in which many systems in our body work together. HBOT enhances these biological processes at every level, which results in faster recovery and better outcomes.

HBOT Reduces Inflammation

Inflammation is a natural part of healing. Its purpose is to fight infection. It is an early stage of the wound healing process, and is oxygen dependent.

The effects of HBOT* support and enhance the inflammatory process, which makes it shorter and helps wounds move more quickly to the next stage of healing.

  • HBOT Helps Fight Infection By…

  • Because…

  • Enhancing White Blood Cell Function
  • White blood cells are the most important part of the body’s immune response. They remove germs and contaminants to fight infection. The increased oxygen provided by HBOT stimulates and increases white blood cell production, which helps the immune system fight infection more quickly.
  • Killing Harmful Bacteria
  • Many bacteria require an anaerobic (without oxygen) environment to survive, and are either damaged or destroyed when oxygen is increased.
    This helps prevent and minimize infection directly, and it also supports the work white blood cells are doing to remove infectious organisms.
  • Enhancing Antibiotic Efficiency
  • Research has shown that some antibiotics work better when there are higher oxygen levels in the body’s tissues. This allows infections to resolve more quickly.
  • Reducing Edema (Swelling)
  • Edema is when excess fluid collects in the body, causing swelling. It can occur at injury sites due to tissue damage or infection.
    The pressure from edema can impact circulation. It also increases the distance from blood vessels to the target tissues. Both of these problems reduce the oxygen reaching the area and slow the healing process.
    HBOT increases the oxygen concentration in the blood, which helps offset the increased distance caused by swelling. And the pressure increase during treatment decreases the fluid movement that causes swelling.
    HBOT can reduce edema by up to 20%. This greatly increases the amount of oxygen able to reach the wound and helps speed up the inflammatory stage of healing.

HBOT Supports Proliferation

Proliferation is the stage of the healing process when the body builds new tissue to fill in a wound. There are many different cells and systems that work together to repair all the different structures in our body, including blood vessels, bones, skin and scars.

The growth of replacement cells and function of repair systems depend on oxygen. The effects of HBOT* support and strengthen this healing phase.

  • HBOT Supports New Tissue Growth By…

  • Because…

  • Increasing Fibroblast Growth
  • Fibroblasts are the repair cells of the body. They create the connective tissue collagen.
    Fibroblasts migrate to wounds, where they multiply and produce large amounts of collagen to help the wound close. This process is highly dependent on having enough oxygen.
  • Increasing Collagen Production
  • Collagen is a connective tissue, and acts as the foundation for new tissue formation when a wound is healing.
    It is created by fibroblasts, the repair cells of the body. Collagen production and formation is extremely dependent on adequate oxygen.
  • Increasing Angiogenesis
  • Angiogenesis is the growth of new blood vessels.
    Injuries damage blood vessels as well as skin and tissue, so new ones need to form. The healing process relies on healthy blood vessels to bring oxygen and nutrients to the wound site, and to carry away debris and microorganisms in white blood cells.
    HBOT significantly increases the number and size of blood vessels in healing wounds. The new vessels are then able to deliver more oxygen and nutrients to the wound site, which promotes faster healing.
  • Stimulating Capillary Growth
  • Capillaries are the tiniest blood vessels. They are only one cell thick, and form a network in our tissues between the larger vessels.
    Capillaries are vital to healing because they deliver nutrients and oxygen, and remove contaminants collected by white blood cells.
    HBOT stimulates capillary growth and repair at an injury site. This increases oxygen availability to the wound, which promotes faster healing.
  • Increasing Oxygenation and Perfusion
  • Perfusion means blood moving through the capillaries to the body’s tissues. Oxygenation is when oxygen is carried in blood to the body’s tissues.
    The delivery of oxygen to wounds is greatly increased when the blood contains higher levels of oxygen than normal. Wound healing processes are highly oxygen dependent, so increasing oxygen levels improves healing.
  • Improving Bone Regeneration
  • Osteoblasts and osteoclasts are the cells that work together to form bones and control bone tissue. They rely on oxygen to function properly.
    HBOT resolves swelling and the inflammatory process more rapidly, which allows the bone regeneration process to start sooner. And the increased oxygen stimulates production and improves the action of the bone building cells, which enhances bone regeneration for faster recovery.
  • Increasing Stem Cell Circulation
  • HBOT triggers the increased movement of stem cells into the bloodstream by up to 8 times their normal amount.
    These cells move from the bone marrow to the injured sites, where they change into cells that assist in the healing process.
    HBOT is the only treatment proven to have this effect.

HBOT Improves Outcomes

Improving medical outcomes for patients is at the core of hyperbaric oxygen therapy.* In addition to supporting the biological healing processes, there are ways the effects of HBOT also support patient comfort during and after the healing process.

  • HBOT Supports Patient Well Being By…

  • Because…

  • Improving Tissue Survival
  • Crush injuries have a “gray area” of damaged tissue that falls between healthy tissue and tissue that is irreversibly damaged.
    One goal of crush injury recovery is to save and heal as much of this damaged tissue as possible, and it benefits greatly from an increased oxygen supply. By providing additional oxygen, HBOT allows more of these crushed tissues to be saved and healed, which creates a better overall patient outcome.
  • Reducing Pain
  • Localized swelling at an injury site often causes pain. HBOT significantly reduces swelling, which reduces the associated pain and improves the patient’s overall recovery experience.
  • Improving Range of Motion
  • HBOT reduces swelling and the associated pain. As inflammation and pain levels decrease, patients enjoy a faster return of their range of motion in the affected area.
  • Promoting Tissue Integrity
  • The increased oxygen availability to the fibroblasts that grow the foundation for new tissue allows them to function more quickly and efficiently. This makes the newly formed tissue stronger, which means a better long term result for the patient.

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Do you think you may be a candidate for HBOT and want to know if your condition is one of the many medical conditions that can be treated? Schedule an appointment with your physician today!


Treatment Involves

Are you curious about details of going through the HBOT treatment process, such as:

  • How long does an HBOT session take?
  • What does HBOT feel like?
  • Is HBOT covered by insurance?
  • Is my doctor involved with HBOT treatment?

Read the Patient FAQ to learn all the things you can expect when you and your doctor choose HBOT as part of your treatment plan.

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can help you that isn’t covered here? Contact us and a member of our team will be glad to answer your questions.


*Some of these statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. Further evidence is needed before mechanisms of action are fully understood and additional medical conditions are approved for HBOT treatment.